Tag Archives: Star Trek

Quarantine List (All the Shows You Could be Binging Right Now)

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a REALLY long time since I’ve updated. Honestly, I really hadn’t had the time or energy for it. And the handful of days I did have plenty of both I just didn’t want to do it. But with everything going on right now I’m stuck at home with nothing to do because of everything being put on hold because of COVID-19.

So, I figured I’d share some great shows that may take a little more time to watch than the usual time available. Given how most people are working from home or unable to work at the moment, people have more time. So, here’s a list of then shows that worth the time and take up quite a bit of time. Enjoy!


1.Supernatural (15 seasons)


Now while I do love this show I will be the first to admit that it does have its issues and some seasons drag on or feel like repeats. But overall, this show is worth watching. It has a bit of horror, drama, supernatural, fantasy, heartbreak.


2. Star Trek (The Original Series: 3 seasons, the animated series: 1 season, Next Generation: 7 seasons, Deep Space Nine: 7 seasons, Voyager: 7 Seasons, Enterprise: 4 Seasons, Discovery: 2 seasons (still airing), Picard: 1 season (still airing), Star Trek Shorts: 2 seasons (still airing)).


Star Trek is a vast universe that is worth exploring. Any of these are wonderful choices. If you have the time you should check some of them out, if you really have the time, check them all out. I didn’t even list all of the movies that there are. Space, exploration, science fiction, moral dilemmas and tough choices, it looks on the bright side even when everything looks so awful.  This franchise is quite dear to my heart.


3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (7 seasons)


Buffy is full of drama, romance, heartbreak, fantasy, demons, and kickass women. There’s tons of character development and worth the time. And if you like that you should check off the spinoff show, Angel. It has 5 seasons. So if you finish Buffy and still have time to kill watch Angel, it’s darker and grittier than Buffy and to be honest it’s my favourite between the two.


4. Futurama (7 seasons)


So, I’m gonna be honest. I have not watched this one yet. I mean, I’ve seen a few episodes but never actually watched this one religiously. I’m putting this one on the list because a good friend of mine really likes it and suggests it. It’s an adult cartoon and he says that it’s humorous and science fiction while also being mathematically (and scientifically?) correct. I’m going off of his word and he’s usually always right when it comes to good show suggestions…usually.


5. Bleach (366 episodes)


Bleach is an anime that has fantasy, sword fights with amazing powers, drama, action. It’s really a good show and I love it, but just like with Supernatural some of the episodes kind of drag on or feel recycled. Still worth a watch though. The characters are really great, even side characters are pretty great in this.


6. Naruto Shippuden (500 episodes)


Yeah, 500, I know. Now, again, I’ve not actually watched this one and frankly, I don’t think I will. It just doesn’t seem like my kind of show. However, I have heard nothing but good things about it from my friend. He and three of my coworkers really love it. I’ve been told it’s a lot of action and follows a young bratty boy who goes on a journey to become an amazing ninja.


7. Star Wars: Clone Wars (7 seasons)


A cartoon based on the time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, this show really devels into the Clone Wars and expands the universe, the Jedi, the Sith, and all the characters that fall between. Drama, science fiction, action, adventure. There’s lots of character growth and well worth the watch.


8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 (7 seasons)


This show was my JAM as a kid! Seriously, so amazing. It’s a great cartoon that follows four teenage mutant turtles that fight against evil. Drama, character development, amazing storylines, and really cool characters and side characters. Please watch it.


9. Game of Thrones (8 seasons)


Again, this show has its issues, really it does. It’s mostly a really good show, I love several characters in them and there are some amazing storylines in it. Drama. So. Much. Drama. Romance, action, fantasy, creatures. Definitely not a show for kids, the squeamish, faint of heart, or easily incensed. Watch it at your own risk.


10. One Piece (811 episodes, still airing)


You read that right, 811 episodes. First let that sink in, 811 episodes. Now once you’ve come to grips with that, take in the fact that IT’S STILL GOING ON. The show started in 1999 and it’s full of literally everything you can think of: drama, romance, action, fantasy, pirates, swords, guns, friendship. The list goes on. I grew up watching this show, I still watch it. Fair warning, there are several filler episodes so if you don’t care for filler you can look them up and just skip over them, you’ll still have a lot to get through though. It’s well worth the watch.


Hope this helps you kill some time during these long days. And hey, maybe you’ll find a new show you love! Well, either way, hope you guys have a great day!

And remember, WASH YOUR HANDS.

Tattoo Thursday (Sy-Fy)

I haven’t done a tattoo post in a while so I thought, why not! This Thursday’s theme is Science Fiction. Enjoy!


  • Star Wars







  • Star Trek







  • Doctor Who







Not a super long one but I wanted to get one up since it’s been a while. Let me know what you want to see next, have a great Thursday!

It’s Good to be Bad (Villains too Great to Hate)

In every film you have the good guy(s) and the bad guy(s), and usually everybody loves the good guy… usually. There are some villains though that you love more than the good guy and then there are some that are just too great to hate. Now, among our merry little band I am the one that usually either sides with the villain or the villain is my favorite character so I will probably be more that a little bias to the characters on this list. Also, this does go beyond looks, if they’re good looking then that’s just a bonus. But anyways, here we go!

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  • Loki

Obviously I had to start with Loki. A Marvel villain that people just can’t get enough of. Now, the reason I love Loki so much is because he really did strive to be good. He tried to do what he thought was best for Asgard even though he went about it the wrong way. And I’m sorry but Odin was a crap father. You can’t just go into Odinsleep after dropping “hey you’re not my son, you’re actually the enemy’s son and I was gonna use you as a pawn and trade you for peace” on a kid. You just don’t do that! And! When Loki is hanging off the bridge and he says, “I did it for you! For all of us!” and his voice cracks at the end, what does Odin say? “No, Loki.” Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? Your son is hanging off a bridge above a black abyss and that’s what you say? You fail Odin. I really hope Frigga beat the crap out of him for that. Anyways, Loki always wanted his father’s approval and then for Odin to just cast him aside like that is cruel. On top of all that, Tom Hiddleston’s performance of Loki is phenomenal and is the only reason I even own the first Thor film.

  • Khan

Khan from Star Trek: Into Darkness is a force to be reckoned with. His skills alone are something to behold, not to mention his superhuman biology. It does help that he is played by Benedict Cumberbatch. His silver tongue and the performance he puts on truly makes you feel for him in the beginning. But then, then he becomes scary with his precise killing and the blows he deals in his fight with Kirk. Him crushing that guy’s skull was terrifying but so cool to watch! He’s just really really cool and it makes it hard to hate him. I already liked Kahn back in Star Trek: The Original Series and this just made me like him even more.

  • Prince Nuada Silverlance

Nuada Silverlance is the crowned prince of the Clan Bethmoora elves from the Hellboy universe. Hellboy is an antihero story and honestly really really good, you should check it out. Anyways, here’s another character that yes he’s bad but he really makes you feel for him. He makes you feel for his plight and what he’s trying to do for his people. His skill with a blade is unmatched, his agility and speed is phenomenal. Plus, he’s just badass looking. Luke Goss’ portrayal as the banished prince is just fantastic. He really sells the character.

  • Pitch Black

Pitch Black, formerly known as Kozmotis Pitchiner in his human life, is the Boogeyman, also known as The King of Nightmares. Yes, it’s an animated film. Yes he’s not a flesh and blood character, but this does not make him any less of a good, well written character. Rise of the Guardians is actually a really great, underrated film that you all should watch. Voiced by Jude Law, the King of Darkness is creepy, manipulative, and evil. However, you can’t help but feel for him a bit. Pitch started off as protector and defender of the Golden Age. He was a Hero. He was tricked by the darkness, who used the voice of his daughter to lure him into setting it free, and overtaking him. Fast forward years later and people have forgotten the Boogeyman, years of isolation and disbelief made Pitch take action. What makes you feel for him is the fact that he just wants to be believed in. He just wants people to believe in him again. When you think about it more, the good and happy things in life cannot exist without the pain and fear. So, yeah, Pitch is someone that you can have problems saying he’s 100% a bad guy.

  • Bane

Bane is a DC villain, more specifically, a Batman villain. In the Dark Knight Rises version he is played by none other than Tom Hardy. This character is a big brute of a guy. He’s strong, skilled, and deadly. He literally broke the Bat. He could’ve killed him. But he’s not just a brute. He’s incredibly intelligent. He’s smart and cunning. Not only that, but there’s a piece of humanity in him. We see this when he’s in the pit and he protects others. There is more to him than what meets the eye. Plus, again, he’s an absolute badass and the mask makes him sound freaking cool.

  • Lord Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru is a villain but also not a villain. From the anime Inuyasha, he starts off as a villain in the beginning of the show but as time goes on, he becomes more of a frenemy, till finally he is now a, begrudgingly, good guy. You start off wanting to smack him, but the more you get to know about him the more you actually start to like him. His character development really make you like him more as you watch him go from being a cold and unfeeling ass to- well, a less cold and unfeeling friend. He is a terrifying opponent, skilled with a blade and his demonic abilities makes him a formidable foe that should not be messed with. He’s cool, like really really cool.

  • Joker

The Joker is another DC Batman villain. Now, there have been many version of Joker but I think that across the board that Joker is just a really cool character, I know I keep saying these guys are cool (they are though) but the reason Joker is so amazing is because he is chaos embodied. He just lets loose and watches the world burn just to see if he could. Havoc is his only reason for doing things. His weird and twisted mind makes him so intriguing, and dangerous. You wouldn’t want to be in the same vicinity as him, let alone meet him down a dark alley. He’s not a man to be trifled with or taken lightly.

  • Magneto



Magneto, also known as Erik Lehnsherr, from the X-Men Marvel world, is another character that just makes you feel for them. A mutant and a Holocaust surviver, he has suffered a lot of pain at the hands of bigots and humanity in general. His feelings are justified, his actions not so much. Played by both Sir Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender, this man strives to bring mutants to the forefront of humanity. Not wanting his brothers and sisters to suffer he chooses to take the fight to the rest of humanity. Originally he was a good guy, he helped Charles Xavier build his school, helped him create the first X-Men. He was his friend. His humanity is there, it’s just been beaten and abused so much that it can’t take it anymore. All of this makes him tough to hate.

  • Victor Creed aka Sabertooth

Victor Creed, also known as Sabertooth, is, yet again, another Marvel villain. More specifically an X-Men baddie. (I like Marvel/X-Men a lot alright?) He has a healing factor, retractable sharp claws and canine-like fangs, superhuman strength, senses, and reflexes, feral feline attributes, and a seemingly endless life span. He went by many names including Slasher, El Tigre (The Tiger), and Der Schlächter (The Butcher). The brother (at least in the films) of the famous Wolverine/Logan, an assassin, mercenary, and murderer. He kills for hire and he kills for fun. He’s one of the more bloody villains on this list. His father kept him chained in a basement and pulled his elongated, claw-like nails out of his fingers consistently. He’s probably the least likable one on this list. However, I think he’s just too freaking amazing and cool to leave off. His cold, calculating demeanor is something the chills one to the bone. His strengths, abilities, and sheer power are something to behold and not to be tested. His animalistic nature is also something that draws you in, his love of brutal killing, of pain and death in general. His bloodlust. Is something that I find incredibly fascinating, especially in comparison to Logan. (This makes me sound like a psycho but I promise I’m not) Victor can be smart when he wants to, but his anger gets him into trouble some times. He can live in isolation, and he thrives in it even. Victor Creed is more than just badass, he’s scary as all get out.


Well, there’s my list of villains that I think are just too good to hate. Let me know what you think, agree or disagree. Who do you think belongs on this list? Let me know what else you would like to see. And have an amazing day guys!


Shows That Can Be Summed Up in One Picture

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been busy all weekend working on my short film for class. But I’m still alive! So, for this post I’m gonna keep it simple. Just like the title says this post is shows that can be summed up in one picture. So, here we go!

  • Merlin

  • Star Trek the Original Series

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  • Breaking Bad

  • Supernatural

  • Castle

  • The Walking Dead

  • Game of Thrones

  • Doctor Who

  • Once Upon A Time

  • Sherlock

That’s all for today. I promise to get back on  a regular updating schedule so stick with me guys! Have a great day!

(images found at Buzzfeed)

Fandom Food (10 Recipes from 10 of our Favorite Fandoms)

Ever see something in a fandom that you really want to try? Something like Turkish Delight from The Chronicles of Narnia, Lembas Bread from Lord of the Rings, or Butterbeer from Harry Potter? Well, today we’re going to talk about Fandom food, and provide the recipes for these fandom dishes. Now, the recipes you’ll find in this post are not from us nor were they created by us. They’re all by The Geeky Chef whose link you can find here (http://www.geekychef.com/) if you wish to find more. Now, we won’t list all of the fandom foods in this post we’ll try and hit the main ones.

  • Turkish Delight (The Chronicles of Narnia)

“Turkish Delight, lokum, or loukoum is a confection made from starch and sugar. It’s usually flavored with rosewater and lemon, the former giving it a characteristic pale pink color. It has a soft, jelly-like and sometimes sticky consistency, and is often packaged and eaten in small cubes that are dusted with icing sugar or copra to prevent sticking. This is a classic turkish delight recipe using rosewater, though other flavors can be substituted.” (The Geek Chef)

  • Ingredients
  • 1 cup Water
  • 2 tbs Gelatin
  • 1 3/4 cups Sugar
  • ¼ tsp. Citric Acid
  • ½ tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 2 tsp Triple-Strength Rose Water
  • 1/4 cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1 oz. Cornflour Food Coloring (optional)
  • Directions
    1) Place the water in a large saucepan and sprinkle the gelatin on to the liquid. Set aside until the gelatin is a little springy.
    2) Add the sugar and citric acid to the gelatin water and place the pan over a gentle heat and stir constantly until dissolved.
    3) Bring the mixture to a boil. Boil for 20 minutes without stirring. Remove from heat and allow to sit for 10 minutes.
    4) Stir in the vanilla extract, rose water and coloring if using. Pour into a dampened 6 inch baking tin. Leave uncovered in a cool place for 24 hours.
    5) Sift the icing sugar and cornflour together on to a sheet of parchment paper. Turn the Turkish delight on to the paper and cut into squares using a sharp knife.
    6) Toss pieces in the mixture, so that all the sides are coated. Pack in airtight containers lined with parchment paper and dusted with the remaining icing sugar and cornflour.
  • Lembas Bread (The Lord of the Rings)

“Lembas is a special bread made by the elves of the Lord of the Rings series. It’s shaped into thin cakes and because of its filling nature it’s usually used for sustenance on long journeys. Generally wrapped in Mallorn leaves, not much else is known about the ingredients. The bread is supposed to be brown on the outside and cream colored on the inside, sort of like a flat bread, and tastier than most other cakes in Middle-Earth.” (The Geek Chef)

  • Ingredients
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 2 ¼ c. flour (barley flour of you want to be really accurate)
  • ¼ c. melted butter
  • 3 oz. chopped almonds or macadamia nuts (fruits of the Mallorn tree)
  • 2 tsp. orange flower or rose water (optional)
  • 3 kumquats, whole (can substitute orange zest and a bit of juice if desired)
  • 1 c. honey
  • 3 eggs
  • Directions
    Put the eggs, butter, honey, kumquats, rose or orange flower water, and nuts in a food processor or blender. Blend on high for 2-4 minutes. Add 1 cup of the flour. Blend for a minute or two. Put mixture into a bowl and add the remaining flour and the salt. Whisk or stir until well blended. Bake a small amount of dough (about two tablespoons) at a time on a pizzelle or iron about 15 seconds or until lightly brown, for a flat bread like texture. They can also be baked at 350 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Wrap in a leaf and tie with a string!
  • Butterbeer (Harry Potter)

This iconic drink from the Harry Potter world is sure to quench your thirst and make for a tasty treat at your next Harry Potter party. “Butterbeer is a popular wizarding beverage described as tasting “a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch.” It is served at numerous locations in the wizarding world and has a very slight alcoholic content.” (Wiki) This recipe though is non-alcoholic.

  • Ingredients
  • 1 1/2 cups vanilla cream soda
  • 2 tablespoons whipped butter, room temperature
  • 1/4 cup butterscotch topping
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened condensed milk
  • Directions
  • Combine condensed milk, butterscotch topping, and butter in a glass heatproof measuring cup. Heat in microwave for 1 minute. Remove and stir until butter has melted and incorporated into mixture. Meanwhile heat cream soda in another heatproof measuring cup for 1 minute 30 seconds. Divide butterscotch mixture between 2 (10 to 12-ounce) mugs. Fill mugs with heated cream soda and stir thoroughly. Serve garnished with a cinnamon stick or an old-fashioned butterscotch candy stick.
  • Mudder’s Milk (Firefly)

“In the series, the alcoholic beverage known as “Mudder’s Milk” was used on a remote planet called Higgin’s Moon to simultaneously feed the laborers (or “Mudders” as mud was the planet’s only export) and keep them submissive. It has, according to planetary legend Jayne, “all the protein, vitamins and carbs of your grandma’s best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.”” (The Geek Chef)

  • Ingredients
  • 2-3 Shots of Jack Daniels Tennessee
  • Honey 1/2 Cup
  • Milk 1/2 Cup
  • Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Banana
  • 2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
  • 1/4 Cup Oatmeal
  • Honey to taste
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Ice
  • Directions
  • Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until consistency is smooth and drinkable. Pour into a mug and enjoy!
  • Fish fingers and Custard (Doctor Who)

“Fish Fingers and Custard, also known as Fish Custard, is a dish enjoyed by the 11th Doctor shortly after his regeneration.In reality, Matt Smith, the actor who plays the newest Doctor, was actually eating breaded coconut cakes during this scene. So, there were two possible options to make this idea palatable: you either make the fish fingers into some sort of pastry, or you make the custard into something savory that compliments fried fish…I decided to make a savory version. My recipe pairs a panko and coconut battered fried fish finger (coconut added as tribute to the reality of the scene) and tangy lemon honey mustard dipping sauce (that basically looks like custard) which compliments it perfectly.” (The Geek Chef)

  • Ingredients
  • For the fish fingers:
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbs. milk
  • 1lb tilapia filets, cut into 1 inch strips (cod or haddock will also work)
  • 1 cup of panko breadcrumbs
  • 1 cup of coconut flakes
  • Frying oil (how much depends on the size of your pan)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • For the custard:
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsps yellow mustard (prepared)
  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 2 tbsps honey
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • Directions
  • Make sure fish is cut into 1 inch thick strips.  Combine the flour, salt, and pepper in a shallow bowl.  Beat the eggs with the milk in another shallow bowl.  Mix the breadcrumbs and coconut  in a third shallow bowl.  Coat each fish piece in seasoned flour, dip in the eggs mixture and then roll in the panko and coconut mixture.  Set aside until ready to cook. Heat 1/2 inch of oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.  In small batches, fry the fish sticks until golden brown, about 2 minutes per side.  Drain on a paper towel-lined plate.  To make the custard sauce simply combine all ingredients together and mix thoroughly. Liberally dip fish fingers in the custard sauce and enjoy!
  • Plomeek Soup (Star Trek)

“Vulcans do not eat meat or any product that can be harvested from an animal, and they only eat for practical reasons so most of the food served at Vulcan food establishments is quite bland. A very popular dish amongst the Vulcans is Plomeek Soup, which is more of a broth harvested from the Plomeek plant. It isn’t bad, but despite its bright orange color there’s not much more flavor than any typical vegetable stock on Earth. We took some of the known edible vegetables of Vulcan and made a more flavorful and robust soup using the plomeek broth.” (The Geek Chef)

  • 1 to 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley leaves
  • 2-3 leaves fresh basil, sliced into strips
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 ears corn, kernels removed
  • 4 cups peeled, seeded, and chopped tomatoes
  • 2 quarts vegetable broth
  • 2 cups fresh green beans, cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 1 cup cauliflower florets
  • 1 cup lima beans
  • 2 cups carrots, peeled and chopped into rounds
  • Salt
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
  • 2 cups chopped leeks, white part only
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Ingredients
  • Directions
  • Heat the olive oil in a large stockpot on medium heat. Add leeks, garlic, and a bit of salt and cook until they begin to soften. Add the carrots, lima beans, cauliflower, and green beans and cook for about 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Increase the heat to high and add the stock, simmer. Once it’s simmering add the tomatoes, corn, and pepper. Bring heat to low and cook with pot covered until the vegetables are tender enough to pierce easily with a fork, about a half hour. Don’t overcook. Add salt to taste. Remove from heat and blend together in a food processor. Add the parsley, basil and lemon juice. Some of the crew though it might taste good with sour cream or parmesan cheese and croutons as well.
  • Yeto’s Superb Pumpkin and Goat Cheese Soup (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)

“This one appeared in the newest Zelda game, Twilight Princess, in the Snowpeak temple as a soup that Yeto makes for his sick wife, Yeta. The soup, thanks to it’s reekfish base, has healing properties that increase as Link finds more ingredients to add throughout the temple, namely a pumpkin and goat cheese from Link’s hometown, Ordon. I took a basic pumpkin soup and made some modifications. I decided to make the fish stock and the filet optional because while I think pumpkin and goat cheese are a match made in heaven (or Hyrule), fish and pumpkin and goat cheese might seem like a strange mix for some. Fish or no fish, this soup makes for a perfect winter dinner!” (The Geek Chef)

  • 1 Salmon filet (any fish will do) (optional)
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • Fresh basil
  • 1 ¼ cups cream (optional)
  • ½ cup Goat Cheese or as desired
  • 4 ½ cups fish stock (alternative: chicken or vegetable stock)
  • 4 cloves garlic, cloves cut into quarters
  • ¾ cup white onion, chopped
  • 2 pounds seeded and peeled pumpkin or kabocha, diced
  • Ingredients
  • Directions
    Toss pumpkins, onions, and garlic with a bit of olive oil. Roast until everything is soft and has nice browned edges. Place the roasted items in a soup pot and turn to medium heat. Add 3/4 of the stock and simmer for up to 45 minutes, or until fully cooked. Put in a food processor and blend until smooth. Blend in small amounts of the goat cheese along with the cream if desired. Adjust thickness with the leftover stock. Add more cream if desired and finish seasoning with basil, salt, and pepper. If you add a filet of fish, pan-fry it separately with oil, salt and pepper, then add it to the soup.
  • Spiced Warm Milk (The hunger Games)

“Those of you who’ve read the book will remember that this soothing beverage was made for Katniss by a sympathetic Capitol worker when she awoke from a nightmare shortly before the 75th Annual Hunger Games. Initially she just ordered a warm milk to help her sleep, but the attendant, feeling bad for her, added a little honey and spice as an act of kindness and solidarity.  Make this when you or someone you care about is feeling especially sad or nervous. Or, you know, when death is imminent.” (The Geek Chef)

  • Ingredients
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (regular milk will work, as well)
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Splash of vanilla
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon
  • Sprinkle on nutmeg
  • Directions
  • Microwave milk on high for 1 minute. Continue to microwave it in 15 second increments until desired temperature is reached. Mix in honey and vanilla, and sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. Enjoy!
  • Jam Tarts (Alice in Wonderland)

“There were a few chapters in Alice in Wonderland dedicated to these simple pastries. Some may remember the trial over who stole the Queen’s jam tarts, where absolutely nothing gets solved and the Queen shouts “off with their heads!” a lot. Jam tarts are a traditional English tea snack, especially for small children. They were most often made for “Nursery Tea,” a sort of High Tea for kids where milk is served instead of actual tea. You’ll need tart tins and cookie cutters for this one.” (The Geek Chef)

  • 1 ½ c. jam of your choosing
  • 1 orange, rind grated
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/4 c. superfine sugar
  • ¾ c. butter , chilled and diced
  • 1 ¾ c. flour
  • Ingredients
  • Directions
    Blend the flour and butter to breadcrumbs in a food processor. Add the sugar and blend again. Add the egg yolks and the orange rind and pulse until it comes together, you may need to add a bit of water. Wrap in saran wrap and chill for about 20 minutes.
    Heat the oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit. Roll out the pastry as thin as possible and stamp out circles big enough to fit your jam tart tins with a cookie cutter. Mould the circlular cut-outs into the tart tins. Bake for 15 minutes then add small spoonfuls of jam to each and bake for another 5 minutes. Careful, the jam will get really hot!
  • Five Flavor Soup (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

“This soup appeared in Season 3 in the episode “The Puppetmaster” where it was made for Avatar Aang’s gang by the waterbender Hama, who wanted to serve them a traditional Southern Water Tribe dish while they were hiding in the Fire Nation. Like Avatar itself, this dish has mixed Asian influence. There were a few assumptions I made based on what little information is presented in the episode. The major assumption is that the soup is vegetarian, because Aang, who does not eat meat, chows down on it happily. In the episode it appeared that the soup did not have anything in it aside from broth, but I thought that was probably only to save on the animation budget. The broth certainly could stand alone if you wish to go that route, as it has a very strong base and rich flavor.

When I heard the name of the dish, my immediate thought was Chinese Five Spice, which is a delicious mix of star anise, cinnamon, cloves, fennel and Sichuan pepper. These spices are perfect for cold weather, so I made sure they stand out. There are also five major ingredients in the soup: the wontons, the beans, the mushrooms, the cabbage and the wakame. I also tried to incorporate ingredients that the Water Tribe might use, like kelp, which grows in water, and broad beans, which can be harvested in cold climates. And, of course, cabbages were a necessity. Just looking at this recipe it might seem complicated because there are a lot of ingredients and steps, but none of it is very difficult so don’t be intimidated! The result is a light but filling soup, bursting with heat, spice and umami.” (The Geek Chef)

  • Ingredients
  • 1 Sheet Kombu
  • 10-12 Dried Shiitake Mushrooms
  • 6 Cups Water
  • 5-7 Leaves Napa Cabbage
  • 1 1/2 Cup Broad Beans
  • A couple pinches of Wakame
  • Wonton Wrappers
  • 1 Asian Pear, chopped finely
  • 3-5 Green Onions, finely chopped
  • 10 Cloves Garlic, minced
  • Ginger Root
  • 1/2 cup Soy Sauce (or to taste)
  • 1/2 cup Ponzu Sauce
  • 1 tbs. Garlic Chili Sauce (or to taste)
  • 1 tbs. Mirin
  • 2 tbs. Chinese Five Spice
  • Directions
  • Start the broth by putting the water and the sheet of Kombu into a large soup pot. Bring the water to a simmer, and then add the dried mushrooms, two tablespoons of the minced garlic, and a couple slices of ginger root. Bring the broth to a boil, then reduce the heat and allow the broth to simmer while you prepare the wonton filling. Chop up half a cup of the broad beans into tiny pieces. Remove one or two of the mushrooms from the broth and chop them finely too. Take one or two leaves of the Napa Cabbage and chop that finely. In a small mixing bowl, add the chopped mushrooms, chopped beans and copped cabbage along with the green onions, Asian pear and remaining garlic and mix this thoroughly together.
  • Season mixture with some soy sauce and grated ginger to taste. Heat up a frying pan with the the oil of your choice, and fry the mixture until nicely browned. Start building your wontons following these instructions. Only make enough wontons that you will be using right away, about 2-3 per bowl. It is not a good idea to make them all at once and do not add the wontons directly to the soup. In a separate pot from your broth, boil the wontons in some salted water until they are translucent. Remove them with a slotted spoon and place them in your serving bowls. Reduce the heat on the broth and remove the kombu and ginger, but keep the mushrooms.
  • Add the soy sauce, ponzu sauce, mirin and chili garlic sauce to the broth and stir. Taste it, and add more of the ingredients you think it needs until the broth tastes right to you. This might be different for everyone. When the broth is too your liking, add the the remaining broad beans, the napa cabbage and the wakame. Be careful with wakame because it expands a lot, a little goes a very long way. Let the soup simmer for another 5 to ten minutes. Your soup is pretty much done now, so spoon the soup into the serving bowls over the wontons and enjoy!

After making this post I’m now very hungry and really want to try all these tasty sounding dishes, sadly the main cook amongst us (Bekah) went home for the weekend. *Sigh* so sad. But hopefully we’ll get to try these soon. I’ve actually tried turkish delight before but the girl who made it let it get all hard and it wasn’t very good, I’d like to try it again some time. What I’d really like to try though is the Super yellow Okumura Rin Special from blue Exorcist. What fandom food would you like to try?

Fandom Crossovers! (A collection of some of our favorite crossovers)

In this post we’re exploring some of our favorite crossovers. So, for those of you don’t know, crossover is where two fandoms cross worlds. Crossovers can be great or they can be crap. Crossovers usually happen in fanart and fanfictions done by fans, but there have been moments of actual crossover in shows. Usually this is because the director directs both shows. For example, Doctor Who and Torchwood. Martha was on Torchwood for a bit and Ianto and Gwen were on Doctor Who, Russel T. Davis was the director. Angel and Buffy were both directed by Joss Whedon and Buffy, Wesley, Faith, Spike, Cordy, OZ, Willow, Drusilla, and Darla all either made appearances or became a main part of the show.

Here we go!

  • Fandom Hunger Games

  • Sam Winchester and Loki talk about their brothers

  • Harry Potter and Avatar the Last Airbender

  • Hiccup and Thor and Loki

  • Gandalf and Picard

  • Dr. McCoy as The Doctor

  • Professor McGonagall as The Doctor

  • Tom Hiddleston as The Doctor

  • Thor as The Doctor’s companion

  • Star Wars meets Doctor Who

  • Dean Winchester in the TARDIS

  • Loki and Lilo

  • Tom Hiddleston as The Doctor meeting Sherlock and John again

  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Rose Tyler

  • Harry Potter and Doctor Who

  • The Doctor wanting to be ginger like a Weasley

  • Professor River Song as the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher

  • The Doctor and Stitch

  • Rory meeting Death

  • Dean Winchester and a Dalek

  • Sam, Dean, and Cas with a weeping angel

  • Sam and Dean have to save The Doctor

  • Captain Jack Harkness meets Castiel

  • Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen admiring Captain America

  • Wholock

  • SuperWhoLock

Well that’s all the I’ve got time for today but I hoped you guys enjoyed these crossovers. I’m thinking about doing this again but let me know what you guys think and if this is something that you’d like to see more of. What’s your favorite crossover?

(All pictures, GIFS, and videos were taken from http://www.Buzzfeed.com, Pinterest, and YouTube)

Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy (Spock) dies at the age of 83

March 26, 1931-February 27, 2015

Leonard Nimoy was best known for his role as Mr. Spock, first officer on the Starship Enterprise (Star Trek). “He died on Friday morning at his home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. He was 83 years old; his wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, confirmed his death, saying the cause was end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Mr. Nimoy announced that he had the disease last year, attributing it to years of smoking, a habit he had given up three decades earlier. He had been hospitalized earlier in the week.” (The New York Times)

Leonard Nimoy was an iconic figure in the geek world, and he still is. As first officer Spock he was the favorite of many. Including this 20 year old Trekkie. I loved Nimoy’s Spock, I love Quinto’s Spock as well but Nimoy was the original and he really set the bar for the role. As the Vulcan-Human half breed he was different, picked on, and was always at war with himself. (Something that lot of geeks could relate too). The logical half raging against the Human half. He brought depth and feeling to a character that was, on paper, cold and computer like. Nimoy is survived by his fellow Star Trek members William Shatner (Captain Kirk), Nichelle Nichols (Uhura), George Takei (Sulu), Walter Koenig (Chekov). DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), and James Doohan (Scotty) have both passed on already.

“His artistic pursuits — poetry, photography and music in addition to acting — ranged far beyond the United Federation of Planets, but it was as Mr. Spock that Mr. Nimoy became a folk hero, bringing to life one of the most indelible characters of the last half century: a cerebral, unflappable, pointy-eared Vulcan with a signature salute and blessing: “Live long and prosper”.

Born in Boston on March 26, 1931, Leonard Simon Nimoy was the second son of Max and Dora Nimoy, Ukrainian immigrants and Orthodox Jews. His father worked as a barber. From the age of 8, Leonard acted in local productions, winning parts at a community college, where he performed through his high school years. In 1949, after taking a summer course at Boston College, he traveled to Hollywood, though it wasn’t until 1951 that he landed small parts in two movies, “Queen for a Day” and “Rhubarb.”

He continued to be cast in little-known movies, although he did presciently play an alien invader in a cult serial called “Zombies of the Stratosphere,” and in 1961 he had a minor role on an episode of “The Twilight Zone.” His first starring movie role came in 1952 with “Kid Monk Baroni,” in which he played a disfigured Italian street-gang leader who becomes a boxer.

Leonard Nimoy in “A Quality of Mercy” form the Twilight Zone

Mr. Nimoy served in the Army for two years, rising to sergeant and spending 18 months at Fort McPherson in Georgia, where he presided over shows for the Army’s Special Services branch. He also directed and starred as Stanley in the Atlanta Theater Guild’s production of “A Streetcar Named Desire” before receiving his final discharge in November 1955.

He then returned to California, where he worked as a soda jerk, movie usher and cabdriver while studying acting at the Pasadena Playhouse. He achieved wide visibility in the late 1950s and early 1960s on television shows like “Wagon Train,” “Rawhide” and “Perry Mason.” Then came “Star Trek.” Mr. Nimoy returned to college in his 40s and earned a master’s degree in Spanish from Antioch University Austin, an affiliate of Antioch College in Ohio, in 1978. Antioch College later awarded Mr. Nimoy an honorary doctorate.

His stardom would endure. Though the series was canceled after three seasons because of low ratings, a cultlike following — the conference-holding, costume-wearing Trekkies, or Trekkers (the designation Mr. Nimoy preferred) — coalesced soon after “Star Trek” went into syndication.The fans’ devotion only deepened when “Star Trek” was spun off into an animated show, various new series and an uneven parade of movies starring much of the original television cast, including — besides Mr. Nimoy — William Shatner (as Capt. James T. Kirk), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), George Takei (the helmsman, Sulu), James Doohan (the chief engineer, Scott), Nichelle Nichols (the chief communications officer, Uhura) and Walter Koenig (the navigator, Chekov).

When the director J. J. Abrams revived the “Star Trek” film franchise in 2009, with an all-new cast — including Zachary Quinto as Spock — he included a cameo part for Mr. Nimoy, as an older version of the same character. Mr. Nimoy also appeared in the 2013 follow-up, “Star Trek Into Darkness.”

His zeal to entertain and enlighten reached beyond “Star Trek” and crossed genres. He had a starring role in the dramatic television series “Mission: Impossible” and frequently performed onstage, notably as Tevye in “Fiddler on the Roof.” His poetry was voluminous, and he published books of his photography.

He also directed movies, including two from the “Star Trek” franchise, and television shows. And he made records, singing pop songs as well as original songs about “Star Trek,” and gave spoken-word performances — to the delight of his fans and the bewilderment of critics.

But all that was subsidiary to Mr. Spock, the most complex member of the Enterprise crew, who was both one of the gang and a creature apart engaged at times in a lonely struggle with his warring racial halves.

In one of his most memorable “Star Trek” performances, Mr. Nimoy tried to follow in the tradition of two actors he admired, Charles Laughton and Boris Karloff, who each played a monstrous character — Quasimodo and the Frankenstein monster — who is transformed by love.

In Episode 24, which was first shown on March 2, 1967, Mr. Spock is indeed transformed. Under the influence of aphrodisiacal spores he discovers on the planet Omicron Ceti III, he lets free his human side and announces his love for Leila Kalomi (Jill Ireland), a woman he had once known on Earth. In this episode, Mr. Nimoy brought to Spock’s metamorphosis not only warmth, compassion and playfulness, but also a rarefied concept of alienation.

Mr. Nimoy directed two of the Star Trek movies, “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock” (1984) and “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” (1986), which he helped write. In 1991, the same year that he resurrected Mr. Spock on two episodes of “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” Mr. Nimoy was also the executive producer and a writer of the movie “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.”

He then directed the hugely successful comedy “Three Men and a Baby” (1987), a far cry from his science-fiction work, and appeared in made-for-television movies. He received an Emmy nomination for the 1982 movie “A Woman Called Golda,” in which he portrayed the husband of Golda Meir, the prime minister of Israel, who was played by Ingrid Bergman. It was the fourth Emmy nomination of his career — the other three were for his “Star Trek” work — although he never won.

Mr. Nimoy’s marriage to the actress Sandi Zober ended in divorce. Besides his wife, he is survived by his children, Adam and Julie Nimoy; a stepson, Aaron Bay Schuck; and six grandchildren; one great-grandchild, and an older brother, Melvin.

Though his speaking voice was among his chief assets as an actor, the critical consensus was that his music was mortifying. Mr. Nimoy, however, was undaunted, and his fans seemed to enjoy the camp of his covers of songs like “If I Had a Hammer.” (His first album was called “Leonard Nimoy Presents Mr. Spock’s Music From Outer Space.”)

From 1995 to 2003, Mr. Nimoy narrated the “Ancient Mysteries” series on the History Channel. He also appeared in commercials, including two with Mr. Shatner for Priceline.com. He provided the voice for animated characters in “Transformers: The Movie,” in 1986, and “The Pagemaster,” in 1994.

In 2001 he voiced the king of Atlantis in the Disney animated movie “Atlantis: The Lost Empire,” and in 2005 he furnished voice-overs for the computer game Civilization IV. More recently, he had a recurring role on the science-fiction series “Fringe” and was heard, as the voice of Spock, in an episode of the hit sitcom “The Big Bang Theory.”

Mr. Nimoy was an active supporter of the arts as well. The Thalia, a venerable movie theater on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, now a multi-use hall that is part of Symphony Space, was renamed the Leonard Nimoy Thalia in 2002.

His religious upbringing also influenced the characterization of Spock. The character’s split-fingered salute, he often explained, had been his idea: He based it on the kohanic blessing, a manual approximation of the Hebrew letter shin, which is the first letter in Shaddai, one of the Hebrew names for God.

“To this day, I sense Vulcan speech patterns, Vulcan social attitudes and even Vulcan patterns of logic and emotional suppression in my behavior,” Mr. Nimoy wrote years after the original series ended. But that wasn’t such a bad thing, he discovered. “Given the choice,” he wrote, “if I had to be someone else, I would be Spock.””  (The New York Times)

Leonard Nimoy was one of Science Fiction’s greatest treasures. He was loved by many and will be missed by all. Rest In Peace Leonard Nimoy, First Officer Spock. We salute you.

(Info: www.nytimes.com)

Let Me Sing You the Song of My People (15 Fandom Songs)

So, for this post we’re going to look at 15 fandom songs that hold a special place in our hearts. These can be intros, ending songs, or songs in the show/film/book. now these aren’t all of the songs in a fandom and these aren’t all of the fandoms. These are just a few. Be warned, if you play this in public you may summon someone from that fandom. Enjoy!

1. The Last Goodbye-Billy Boyd (The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies)

2. Doctor Who Intro

3. The Walking Dead Intro

4. We Are (One Piece)

5. I See Fire-Ed Sheeran (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)

6. Carry On My Wayward Son-Kansas (Supernatural)

7. Sanctuary- Darling Violetta (Angel)

8. Sherlock Intro

9. Change the World (Inuyasha)

10. Merlin Intro

11. Star Trek Intro

12. The Hanging Tree-James Newton Howard ft. Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay)

13. Hedwig’s Flight/Theme (Harry Potter)

14. Blue Exorcist Opening 1

15. Star Wars Intro

So I hope you enjoyed these fandom songs. What’s your favorite fandom song?

The power of fandoms and the impact they have on us

Sometimes you never know what someone else is going through. You never know what heartache, pain, or trials someone else is facing. And everyone has their outlet for it. For some it’s drugs, alcohol, partying. And then there are those that turn to fandoms.

I speak from experience when I say that this is me. That I was one of those people who turned to fictional worlds and characters to escape from the things I had to face. My first fandoms were Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and I invested my time into these characters and their worlds for the first time when I was in fourth grade and dealing with my parents divorce. My friends didn’t get it because they didn’t have divorced parents. These fandoms and characters became my escape from having to deal with the divorce and the hell that was fourth grade,

When I was a freshman in high school I was diagnosed with Lupus, for those of you who don’t know what it is it is an autoimmune disease. It is very painful and there is no cure, symptoms can be treated with medication. To a 14 year old who just had their world turned upside down fandoms became a place of relief.

It was in this time that I became sucked into the fandom world permanently. Doctor Who was the new fandom I became a part of, Matt Smith’s first series. I was quickly pulled into the show and re-watched everything before the series I was on. I became invested in the characters and the worlds they were in. Then came Torchwood, Merlin, Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Angel, and Buffy. I reacquainted myself with things that I had seen before but hadn’t really gotten into: Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, Marvel, and DC. I entered into these fandoms and more and lost myself if them. They became a major part of my life and somewhere along the way I went from being a casual fan to a dedicated fangirl.

I no longer need my fandoms as an escape from reality, well, not as much as once did. I don’t rely on them like a crutch like I once did. But I wouldn’t give them up. Not for anything. My fandoms are a huge part of my life. They helped shape me into the person that I am now. I wouldn’t trade that. I love my fandoms, I love the characters and the stories. I love the people I’ve met because of my fandoms.

I am a fangirl, and my fandoms help keep me sane. I don’t need them anymore but I won’t give them up because my fandoms are family. Don’t be ashamed of the fandoms you’re in and don’t let people tear you down for spending so much time in them, because they don’t know you or what you’re going through. Just remember that fandom means family and that there are plenty of fangirls/boys out there who you can talk to.

What fandoms are you’re escape?

Warning you are about to enter a new fandom, this is your last chance to turn back. There is no escape. (The terms you should know before joining a fandom)

“We’re a fandom. And fandoms are families. Family means no one sits alone at the mental institute.”

In this post we’ll be discussing the different fandom terms and what they mean. Let’s start with the obvious one that every person joining a new fandom should know. Fandom. Urban Dictionary describes Fandom as: “The community that surrounds a tv show/movie/book etc. Fanfiction writers, artists, poets, and cosplayers are all members of that fandom. Fandoms often consist of message boards, livejournal communities, and people.”

  1. Fangirl/Fanboy: female or male fan who is obsessed or passionate about either a fictional character, actor, fandom, series, books, etc. Fangirls/Fanboys can be found at conventions, tumblr, pinterest, instagram, fanfiction sites, facebook, twitter, and every other social media site out there.
  2. Fangirling: the reaction a fangirl/boy has to any mention or sighting of the object of their affection. These reactions include shortness of breath, fainting, highpitched noises, shaking, fierce head shaking as if in the midst of a seizure, endless blog posts, etc.
  3. Feels: Short for feelings. Intense feelings experienced by fangirl over certain scenes or character developments within a fandom that cause a strong emotional response. Intense happiness, sadness, anger, etc. 
  4. Ship/Shipping: a combination of fictional characters as a couple. The name of a ship is often a compound of the two characters’ names. i.e. I ship Sango and Miroku, Mirango or Sanoku (Inuyasha)
  5. Shipper: refers to someone who supports the idea of two specific characters being involved in a romantic relationship. Does not have to be cannon OTP. i.e. I ship Aragorn and Arwen (Lord of the Rings, cannon OTP) or I ship Michonne and Rick (The Walking Dead, non-cannon OTP)
  6. OTP: refers to a fan’s preferred relationship pairing between certain characters within a fandom. Many fans have multiple OTP’s  overall as well as multiple OTP’s in the same fandom. Fan’s can also have OTP’s that aren’t cannon. i.e. Arthur and Gwen (cannon, Merlin) or i.e. Gandalf and Galadriel (non-cannon, Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit)
  7. NOTP: Essentially the opposite of an “OTP”. While “OTP” describes one’s ultimate favorite pairing. “NOTP” describes one’s least favorite pairing. i.e. The Doctor and Rose are my NOTP (Doctor Who) *Note that this is the viewpoint of the writer of this post and not the other members of the group*
  8. Cannon/Canon: These two words are used interchangeably throughout fandoms and refers to elements established by the original show, book, movie, anime, game, etc… itself for either plot, setting, or character developments. Often used in terms of relationships. i.e. Hermione and Ron are cannon. (Harry Potter)
  9. Headcannon: personal beliefs or interpretations about canon that a fan makes to explain or account for some aspect of the actual canon. The headcanon itself, while not officially supported by the canon, tends also not to be actually disproven or refuted by the canon and will therefore seem plausible in the mind of the fan who imagines it. Headcanons may be about the past, present, or future of the character or plot, and can be shared by others if particularly enticing or believable. i.e. In Sherlock, the pills the cabbie offered were harmless. The poison was in the water he gave to his victims to take the pill with while he swallowed his dry.
  10. Non-cannon: refers to an idea, story line, or ship that was not promoted in the original work. i.e. Shipping Black Widow and Captain America
  11. Fanart: original illustrations and/or photo manipulations featuring fandom related characters, settings, and so on and so forth. This comes in many forms such as paintings, sketches, doodles, animations, and more. i.e. (Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender)4b0d1d2ac2f889cbf46f705fed764f95
  12. Fanvid: music videos and montages created by a fan using a combination of clips from original source material set to a song or tune. i.e. Spike – I am Titanium… (character study) on YouTube 
  13. Fanfiction: A story based in a fandom created by a fan. It is a form of trans-formative work designed as an expression of appreciation and exploration of the original material. The writer can add character, change characters, add new adventures, change story line and plot. Basically, it’s whatever the writer wishes to create or change in that fandom world through story. www.fanfiction.net has every fanfiction in every fandom under the sun.
  14. Ficlet: refers to a complete short story, usually only a few thousand words long. A ficlet is short enough not to take much time to read. There are no specific length requirements for a story to qualify as a ficlet.
  15. Oneshot: refers to a single story that can be read and understood in full without having read any other prior story. Oneshots are already finished and written completely prior to posting. They will not be continued, and are not related to any other story by that author. Usually posted all at once rather than in parts, often as a single chapter simply because it is easiest. 
  16. OC: Original Character. This is something that a writer or artist will use to incorporate or insert their own character into a fandom. Fanfic writers will use this to put their own creations into a fandom’s world or pair their OC with another character. Artists will do this as well but it is more commonly found in fanfictions. i.e. OC x Sherlock, OC/Sherlock *note that the use of “x” and “/” simply refers to the term “pairing” which is the same thing as shipping.
  17. OFC: Original Female Character i.e. OFC x Daryl (The Walking Dead)
  18. OMC: Original Male Character i.e. OMC x Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  19. OOC: Out of Character. This means that an original character from the fandom acts differently in the fanfic then they would in their own world. i.e. Tony Stark (Iron Man) is a humble man who follows orders without question
  20. AU/AR: Alternate Universe or Alternate Reality. This means that either the plot, setting, or characters deviate from the original. Using the same plot or characters but changing the setting, where the story takes place. Keeping the same character and setting but changing the plot and making a whole new story. The plot and the setting remain the same but the characters either are dramatically changed, don’t exist at all, or are replaced by whole new characters. Changing 1, 2, or all 3 aspects qualifies as an AU/AR. i.e. Taking Loki and adding him to the Doctor Who universe
  21. Crossover: Where two fandoms cross worlds. Usually found in fanfiction, fanart, fanvids, and GIF mash ups. This is where characters from fandom A are mixed with fandom B’s world or vice versa. Characters from both worlds interact with one another and in one another’s worlds. Taking a character or characters from fandom A and inserting them into fandom B but keeping all of the story or action in fandom B is also considered a crossover. i.e. SuperWhoLock (Supernatural + Doctor Who + Sherlock) 
  22. Slash: This is the romantic pairing of two characters of the same sex. Male/Male. Female/Female. M/M. F/F.
  23. FemSlash: This refers to a romantic pairing of females only. Female/Female. Femmeslash, F/F
  24. Yaoi: pronounced ‘yow-ee’, not ‘yah-oy’.  An acronym for a Japanese phrase that translates as ‘no climax, no resolution’, and used as an equivalent to slash, more specifically male.  ‘Yaoi’ tends to be the more popular term in anime fandoms, whereas ‘slash’ is used elsewhere, but the two are basically interchangeable.
  25. Yuri: means the same thing as Yaoi only female slash instead of male slash.
  26. Lemon: an explicit sex scene in fanfiction.
  27. Crack: refers to stories in which completely ridiculous, unbelievable or insane things occur, often without reasonable explanation but great enjoyment. Are generally written shamelessly and with no excuse beyond the writers desire to have fun.
  28. AMV:  abbreviation for ‘anime music video’. These consist of a series of clips from an anime series, set to a popular song. i.e. (One Piece AMV) ♪Centuries♪
  29. Hiatus: A gap or interruption in time, a break. This is an annoying time for a fandom, where one must wait for an unknown amount of time for their fandom to return. This is also usually where the fandom slowly starts to lose their minds and produce mass amounts of hiatus fanart, GIFS, and fanfictions. (The Sherlock fandom has lost all their sanity due to having two year hiatus’ after getting only three episodes in a season) WARNING: approach members of a hiatus fandom with caution. i.e. Sherlock fandom 
  30. Spoiler: When someone reveals a previously unknown aspect of something which you likely would have rather learned on your own. If you are just starting a long running series or are behind on your fandom then spoilers are the enemy, and they are lurking everywhere. To avoid seeing spoilers the only option available to you is to stay off of social media and the internet in general. (Good luck with that) 
  31. Troll: refers to someone who deliberately and often repeatedly makes inflammatory or off-topic comments in a ploy to rile up other people and create dissension. Trolls set out to induce emotional responses, preferably as explosive as possible, and don’t actually seem to care about whatever point they are making so long as it starts an argument. Sometimes though trolls can be harmless and funny. *Sometimes being the key word* 
  32. ANON: refers to someone, either author or reader, who does not wish their identity to be revealed. Often shortened to Anon. When multiple anonymous users are posting, may be distinguished by using such terms as Same Anon (SA), Different Anon (DA) or New Anon (NA)
  33. Con/Comic Con: Conventions held across the world for fans to gather and meet actors, writers, directors, producers, participate in Q&A panels, cosplay, buy fandom merchandise, and meet other fans.
  34. Cosplay: short for ‘costume play’. A ‘cosplayer’ is somebody who dresses up as a character from their fandom. The term originated in Japan and was originally anime-specific, but has moved into wider use, and is both a noun and a verb: a cosplay is the costume itself, or the event at which it is worn. ‘Cosplaying’ somebody is shorthand for ‘dressing up as’ that individual. Genderbending cosplay is a common thing as well. This is when a cosplayer takes a male character’s outfit and reshapes it into a female version and vice versa. i.e. Rin and Yukio Okumura from Blue Exorcist (normal cosplay) f455595305d882064f968b88d3c25a93 Female Thorin Okenshield from The Hobbit (genderbent cosplay)9d6573d17fd793f7cbd5f52ce57684da
  35. RPG: Role Playing Games, usually used in the video game world. This is a game where the choices you make in the game effect the outcome. This is a game with multiple endings and requires you to play more than once to discover all the different story lines and endings. i.e. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  36. PWNED: purposeful misspelling of ‘owned’.  Used as a synonym for ‘defeated’; a person who makes a particularly clever or hurtful remark in an argument has ‘pwned’ their opponent, as has one who beat another player at a video game.
  37. DUB: The ‘dub’ of an anime is a version in which the Japanese dialogue has been re-recorded in English.  Dubs are often considered as inferior to the original Japanese.  This is sometimes true, but not always.
  38. SUB:  the ‘sub’ of an anime is a version with the soundtrack in Japanese, and subtitles to translate each line.  Purist fans often insist on subs; extreme purists watch only fansubs.
  39. Thread: all the replies (and replies to replies) to the original statement that started a messageboard or mailing list discussion.
  40. Verse:  a suffix used to indicate the universe in which the events of a narrative take place. i.e. Potterverse (Harry Potter) Whedonverse (Joss Whedon’s creations) This phrasing will usually not be used if the world of the story already has a name i.e. Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings).
  41. Easter Egg: A hidden item placed in a movie, television show, or otherwise visual media for close watchers. i.e. Doctor Who 
  42. asdfghjkl: means I am so confused/happy/astonished that I am no longer able to type coherently.
  43. GIF: Graphics Interchange Format. GIFs are image files that are compressed to reduce transfer time. The proper pronounciation of the acronym is a soft “g” sound: like JIF. i.e. (dancing Groot from Marvel’s Guardian’s of the Galaxy) 

Here are just a few examples of some fandoms:

  • Whovians (Doctor Who)
  • Sherlockians (Sherlock)
  • Trekkies (Star Trek)
  • Potterheads (Harry Potter)

Now some people may tell you that you can’t waste your life on all this fictional stuff or that it’s pointless. Those people are called haters, and they do exactly what their name implies. So stay away from them and don’t let them get to you.

Fandom means something different to everyone. To some it means a group of people who like the same thing as you, to others it means family, and to outsiders it means overly obsessive people. But to us, to us fandom means family.

*Disclaimer: These terms are the most popular terms found throughout fandoms. We ourselves do not actually use all these terms or like some of them. This post is about providing fandom terms and definitions, and it would be disrespectful to not include all of the terms simply because we do not agree with them.*

(Information found here at: http://www.ainself.net/irony/get_medieval/fandomvocab.htm , http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/moonbeam/terms.html , urbandictionary.com, http://www.dailydot.com/society/how-to-speak-fangirl/ , https://annavslife.wordpress.com/2012/11/18/the-tumblr-to-english-dictionary-or-how-to-speak-fangirl/ )